Philo Hintergrundbild





Über mich

Nach einem kurzen und abenteuerlichen Ausflug in die Filmbranche in jüngeren Jahren habe ich mich nach meinem erfolgreichen Studienabschluss einer Profession mit mehr Glamour zugewandt: Der IT. In diesem Bereich sehe ich mich eher als Generalist - ich habe Erfahrung in der Frontend-Entwicklung, im Data Science-Bereich und auch im Software Testing. Auch an Produkten habe ich schon an viel sehr unterschiedlichem gearbeitet - einer Software die Bevölkerungsdichten schätzt, einem Buchhaltungsprogramm für die Übersetzungs-Industrie oder auch einer App für Jugendliche mit einer Krebserkrankung.



Frontend Development
Visual Studio Code
Applications Development
Software Testing
SQL Server


Backend Development
Data Science
Data Engineering
Data Visualisation


Adobe XD


  • YouCan! App

    YouCan! · Gesundheit und Soziales

    2021 — 2022

    Fullstack Development (with a focus on Frontend Development)

    YouCan! is a Berlin-based startup who are creating a social media app for adolescents and young adults going through a cancer treatment. A large part of cancer therapy for adolescents takes place in hospitals, where the patients are often quite isolated and cannot interact with other young people walking the same tough path. Within the app, the patients which are distributed among the German cancer treating hospitals can interact via an avatar, which grows with them as they master the challenging steps of their chemotherapy.

    • Vue.js
    • Vuex
    • Javascript
    • Typescript
    • Django
    • REST API
    • PWA
  • Opening Hour Prediction

    HERE Technologies


    Data Science

    The goal of this project was to be able to predict shop opening hours based on mobility and location data. While services like Google Maps rely on shop owners to maintain their opening hours manually, the idea was to be able to estimate the opening hours based on mobile phone traffic within the shop.

    I worked on acquiring ground plan polygons for US communities, spatially merging them with the supplied probe data and implementing a metric to distinguish closed hours from opening hours. The result was, that there were shops whose opening hours were falsely stated in Google Maps, which could be manually traced back to negative user reviews.

    • Python
    • Pandas
    • Geopandas
    • Data Science
    • GIS
    • Location Data
  • Sentiment Analysis of Newspaper Articles

    Master Thesis · Bildung und Wissenschaft

    2019 — 2020

    Data Science

    For the master thesis I evaluated the performance of multiple sentiment analysis algorithms and how they could be used to distinguish positive newspaper comments from negative ones. As there is no suitable large labelled dataset within this domain, Philo mainly worked on unsupervised algorithms. The result was a machine learning algorithm which is capable of producing sentiment lexicons for each word in a given data set, so the overall sentiment of a document can be estimated.

    • Python
    • NLP
    • Data Science
    • Web Scraping
    • Embeddings
    • Machine Learning

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