



Account Management
Agile Coaching
Agile Führung

Über mich

Moin Moin from Hamburg, I am Patrick, 54 years young with tons of experiences. Those I would like to share to all whom interested and are in need for consulting in their business. For more than 36 years I have worked in the aviation industry at the world leading Maintenance Repair Organization. Started in the warehouse in 1985 I changed 1996 into the 24/7 operation fields. In early 2000 I became my first Manager position. Since then, I explored the world with many, exciting duties in leading functions. In a nutshell - I have been managing big groups of people, in Germany and worldwide. Over the years I was in charge for several commercial units and products. I have worked abroad in many places, e.g., in China, South Africa, and from 2011 until 2016 in California. I was a Co-Managing Director for a digital Start-up, responsible for Sales, Marketing and Customer Success teams, worldwide in Asia, The Americas and EMEA. I have achived everything I can tell of. So before getting to comfortable, in 2022 I started my next level of career with my own little company Anton&PA.rtner offering my long lasting experiences with passion and expertise. As a little funfact, my dog Anton inspired me by heart for the company name. If you need a Senior Consultant for affordable rates (in principle I do it for fun and for my own satisfaction), please don’t hesitate and contact me. I am an emphatic, enthusiastic person with great references from Top Management people, up to CEOs. My core competences are working with and for people: - Development and build-up of new organizational units - Definition and conception of roles and tasks - Hiring management - Employee retention - Identification and development of talents - Interims Management - Globally thinking and active. The world is my home, Hamburg my harbor. Sincerely greetings, Patrick Hotz



Account Management
Agile Coaching
Agile Führung
Backend Development
Business Development
Business Continuity
Customer Experience Management
Crisis Management
Interim Management
Contract Management
Change Management
Manpower Planning
Organisational Design
Problem Management
People Management
Performance Management




  • Setup of an On-site Customer Service Unit

    Auftraggeber:in · Sonstige Branche

    2022 — 2023

    • Establishment of an onsite team in the time frame and scope described
    • Definition of the task package for the on-site team, including differentiation from interfaces
    • Definition of roles and number, including role description (job description)
    • Personnel selection in interviews
    • Recruitment process, including onboarding
    • Development and implementation of a training concept

  • Interims Management in Colorado, USA

    Auftraggeber:in · Beratung und Consulting

    2022 — 2023

    • Interface and escalation management
    • Development and implementation of a training concept
    • Identification of additional upselling potential and support in contract 
    • Functional management of the project manager
    • Organization and implementation of project review boards
    • Coaching and consulting of the on-site manager


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