



Power Apps

Über mich

After 10 years in the fields of strategy, innovation and R&D, my work as an independent consultant remains exciting and challenging. The USP of my work is not only the elaboration of existing approaches, also the development of different variants and the interplay of analytical and creative thinking. The basis for this is my constant striving for knowledge from a variety of methods, topics and industries from my many years of experience in agencies and companies, many of which have brought me successful, but also less successful projects. Using unconventional but targeted approaches, I have developed numerous strategies, designed products and brands, revised business models, supported transformation projects and worked on creative campaigns.



Power Apps
Agile Testing
AI Ethics and Governance
AI Content Creation


  • Digital Transformation

    Deutsche Bank · Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen

    2021 — 2022

    Worked closely with internal and global partner groups to deliver products (index/ETF, active funds, alternatives) and identification of model portfolios and portfolio construction for asset management clients.

  • Market & Resource Management

    N26 · Beratung und Consulting


    Design and realignment of global banking operations in the areas of payments and reconciliation, card payments, credit/dunning and collections, account and customer data, garnishments, and bankruptcies

  • Process Optimisation

    Blackstone · Beratung und Consulting

    2020 — 2021

    Execute projects effectively, on time and on budget establish and monitor project milestones. Process optimization as well as standardization. Extraction and aggregation of data.

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