Dr. Niels

Dr. Niels



Data Science
AI Application
Data Analysis

Über mich

♦ Analytical competence, based on a combination of academic education (PhD) and business experience (e.g. Deutsche Bank and Tesla) ♦ Knowledge of the operational business in the financial/automotive industry and research departments, gained during my engagements with Deutsche Bank, Tesla and BVV Pensionskasse ♦ Scientific working as crucial element for analysis, utilized extensively in the research group IRTG 1792, dissertation on fractal structures in financial markets ♦ Computational implementation of statistical and financial models in nonstationary environments, automated through BI landscape such as Power BI ♦ Automation of time-consuming internal processes, solved through python automation with BI interface as output (Tesla) ♦ Developed personal responsibility and team awareness, emerged especially while serving as antiaircraft-soldier in the Bundeswehr and teaching at HU Berlin ♦ High mental and physical resilience, organizing regular trainings of our chair for the German sports badge examination, competing in B-cup tournaments in beachvolleyball ♦ International orientation, gained through exchange studies, conferences and my participation in the International Research Training Group 1792 for “High-Dimensional Non-Stationary Time-Series”



Data Science
AI Application
Data Analysis
Data Visualisation
Data Strategy
Power BI
Data Design






Dr. rer. pol. Statistics @ Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Dr. rer. pol. Statistics @ Humboldt Universität zu Berlin


  • Financial Data Analyst

    Tesla · Konsumgüter und Handel

    2022 — 2024

    - Analysis and investigation of logistic flows for goods of the EMEA, e.g. the Berlin branch

    - Multi-Database-Server analysis using sequential flow methods in Power BI / Python / R via SQL

    - Development and automation of existing data flows to provide automated figures for management

  • Quantitative Developer

    BVV Versicherungsverein des Bankgewerbes a.G. · Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen

    2021 — 2024

    - Computational implementation and further development of the Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) in Matlab / R

    - Statistical focus on scarce data, heavy tails, solved by resampling methods

    - Programmatical focus on sequential, convex optimization under linear and non-linear restrictions

    - Dynamic aspect through time dependent risk management as in overlay strategies

  • Consultant for data analysis and pricing

    S-Kreditpartner · Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen

    2019 — 2022

    - Developed a holistic credit pricing framework for the largest banking landscape in Germany

    - Method: In order to separate clients on portfolio level, supervised learning methods have been employed to model the clusters based on estimated interest rate sensitivities

    - IT-development of group-wide data architecture (postgres, exasol, ionos) including preprocessing over different data dimensions (python, sql) covering millions to billions of observations

    - Visualization and server-side presentation of relevant results to C*Os via Power BI / Python (Dash)

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